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Blog post entry #3 "A rainy October day and Mazzy Star"

An unbeatable combination in my opinion. It's October 1st and rainy. I woke up with a cold which I think perfectly matches the mood of outside. It's gloomy and as I write I am listening to Mazzy Stars live performance of bells ring. I have mentioned this previously but Mazzy star is my favorite band of all time. Something about the tone of the music fits every single mood for me. The shoe gaze style of music encapsulates a feeling of nostalgia, comfort and peacefulness which are all things I am very fond of. I even have a Mazzy star tattoo with two swans kissing inspired by my favorite album "Among my swan". I highly recommend listening to it if you want to feel like you are floating on a cloud. My week has been the most hectic its been in a long time, but in the best way possible. I saw many people that I am starting to grow very fond of and am slowly building new relationships in my life. New friends are fun. I like to learn every little thing about a person and what makes them who they are. If you know me well or if you have ever hung out with me one on one before there is a chance I have whipped out google and searched "Fun questions to ask a new friend". While some may think it's cheesy or un natural I think these questions can be so surface level yet can lead you to really learn about someone on a deeper level. One question always leads to another and then that question leads to a story and boom you just knew a lot more about that person just through a couple simple questions. I love human connection. It is so beautiful. I was recently rereading a book called the "Art of happiness" which is an interview with the Dala lama. I highly suggest it if you are into that type of stuff. In the book they touch on human connection and what true intimacy is/what it can be. In western idealogies of intimacy we think of intimacy as physical touch or emotional connection with a romantic partner who you give almost everything to. Well don't get me wrong I love romance and I think having one person who you can give everything to is a beautiful sentiment, you can be intimate with many different people on an emotional level and it ultimately can make your life more fulfilling. That is the art of happiness? Maybe. It can for sure be a factor of it. Close relationships are so special and I am learning it doesn't need to be a romantic partner to fill that level of intimacy. Ok well I hope you liked my daily thoughts. Go listen to Mazzy star and cuddle with your animals (if you have them) on this rainy October day. Wow time really is flying by. Does time really fly when your having fun or does It just fly regardless? This is already a longer post than I was planning on so another blog post for another day as I say.

Love you Byeeeeee :0

- Syd

Mazzy star live performance:

Take a watch if you know what is good for you.

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