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Blog post #6 "Medieval as fuck"

Writer's picture: sydSydnesydnexoxosydSydnesydnexoxo

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

It has always been a dream of mine to go to a renaissance fair. I know it sounds like an odd dream to have but it was mine and on October 8th,the day before the Aries's full moon that dream came true. Some friends and I traveled upwards to Tuxedo New York in our magical Honda civic. I went with some new & old friends that I happen to be very fond of. I went with my two friends named Natalie, Madison, Saylor, and Rosa. Everyone arrived promptly at my apartment at 8:45 am. We didn’t end up leaving until 9:30 ( which was my bad) but the day ended up working out exactly how it was supposed to. The drive was filled with lots of stops to take some quick film pics, messed up directions (sorry Madison) and tons of sad melancholy girl music. A perfect car ride I must say. We ended up arriving to the fair at 1pm only to sit in a line for an hour. When We finally arrived and parked. I genuinely couldn’t believe where I was. We all got transported into another realm. The outfits were amazing and the energy of everyone was very blissful. I truly felt like a little kid again. It was such a big place I couldn’t wrap my head around it.We didn't even get to see the whole festival. Some high lights of the day included: A man playing violin and balancing a beer on his head, seeing fairies in the enchanted forest (like they meant it when they said it was enchanted), the immense amount of cloaks, and watching two hot men on horses fight to the “death”. Also being able to light up in the park was a plus. If you were considering going to a Renaissance fair and were on the fence (hahah get it fencing because like fencing is jousting which is from the renaissance era) ok ill stop now, but I hope this convinced you. Now writing this on the car ride home I’m dreading going back to real life where I have all these responsibilities to uphold. Why can’t I be a fairy and just prance in the woods all day??? Capitalism maybe? Probably. Okay well that’s it for now. Go get medieval and find your local renaissance fair! It’s worth it


KK bye luv you

- Syd knee

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