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Blog post Entry #11 Catcalling; New York Cities other pandemic....

If you live in New York or any other major city, you know harassment and catcalling are huge issues. Primarily if you identify as a woman or are feminine presenting. This week in my integrative seminar class, we had to pick a real-world problem and solve it impractically or practically. My group and I decided to try to solve catcalling/harassment. We set out to Washington square park to make a Lil interview series about catcalling and people's views on the topic. We interviewed men and women throughout the day & got some unfortunately not-so-surprising answers. It is pretty scary how little men genuinely care about catcalling and harassment. It wasn't even on half of their radars. The sad reality we live in. Hopefully, one day that will change. Moral of the story, if you are a male reading this, Don't catcall; look out for other women and say something when you see something. Filming this documentary made me realize how much I love film.. I love editing and making videos, which I want to explore more.I have so many ideas on what I want to create I just need a couple muses to carry out my vision. Capturing moments of real people and watching them back is fascinating to me. People are so very interesting. Watch out for my next feature film. I was thinking about expanding the documentary and doing more with it soon once school dies down, so we will see where that goes. Speaking of new creative endeavors, I got my samples back for Worldofmyown's mini capsule collection woohoooo, FINALLY! So far I am pleased with them but they still need something. It requires a certain oompf which they don't exactly have yet. If you know what I mean. Last week was bland for me with not much going on after all the Halloween festivities... My roommate's sister came to visit for the week, and they got me hooked on dance moms. We spent hours on end binging the reality show giving the best commentary possible. I must say we are comedians. Rewatching it as an adult, I now realize the trauma Abby Lee put those poor girls through. Starting this week, I feel productive and back on track. I have been waking up early these past few days and doing a lot of self-care. Making sure I am keeping my apartment clean, getting my school work done & taking care of myself. I am getting back into meditating finally... It truly helps my mental state and gives me so much clarity. The first semester is coming to a close which is absolutely blowing my mind... The beginning was extremely rough for me but I am finishing off strong and turning a new leaf. I am looking forward to having a month off of school to focus on my personal projects and get a break from everything overall. I also have a funeral to attend this weekend. Death is a peculiar thing for me. It strikes me as a big deal but also not one? Maybe because I had first-hand experience with it when I was a child? Who knows...Okay That is all for now. Meditate for 10 minutes today and practice breathing. It makes a huge difference!!! i swear. Also, happy Eclipse, Yall!! The last one until 2025 make it count....Use this eclipse as a time to release and move forward. Don't double back on your old ways. And happy election day. Please vote if you are eligible... KK for real bye this time. See you Next Week !

Love y'all -

Syd ni ni

Here are some bts photos I took the other day while filming the documentary;

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