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Blog Post entry #16 " Love or sorrow. What is your choice?"

Hello everyone; Long time no talk. I took a hiatus from blogging as during the month of January I had little to no structure in my life and without that structure, it made it much harder to sit down and blog. Nonetheless, I am back and better than ever (sorta). The second semester has started back up and life is feeling a tad more cushiony than it has in the past. I have done a lot in these past couple of months that I will be happy to share with you all when the time comes but for now, we are talking about the holiday we all love to hate... Valentine's Day. A day of love, a Hallmark holiday created by evil corporate geniuses to make single people feel bad. Although I do love this holiday immensely and it has to be one of my favorites. From the wise words of Hannah Montana "life is what you make it, so let's make it rock" therefore valentines day can rock if you simply let it. No matter if you have a loved one by your side or not. This valentines day I have no lover and I feel more than content with that fact. I have given up on trying to date in New York. It is slim pickings out here and I am no longer trying to find my "perfect" match which probably doesn't even exist in the first place. My philosophy on love has done a complete 180 and I now believe that what is meant to be will be. I am only 18 and I am sure my soulmate is out there somewhere; probably skateboarding and gaslighting some other girl into thinking that they are meant for each other.Ahahah ok ok I am only kidding. Anyway; I find it so funny how tiny New York truly is. On a random Tuesday, I can run into people I haven't seen in months and people who I thought I would never see again. It just goes to show you that while this city can be overwhelming and seem huge at times, everyone is connected someway somehow. Back to the topic at hand... Valentine's Day. It has been my favorite holiday since I was a little girl. I have always been a sucker for love, whether romantic or not. I love the idea of love, being loved, and all the beautiful yet scary things that come with it. I remember always looking forward to the month of February in grade school when Valentine's Day would roll around. I would head to CVS and buy candy along with little letters for my class. It made me feel good spreading love to others, even if it was in such a minuscule form. I did that every year on valentines day - even in high school. Although I haven't had a monumental valentines day with a lover, I would always have the best time throwing a galentines day party with my girlfriends. I encourage everyone to spread the love this valentines day to yourself and others. Life is too precious not to. Love everyone, Love every plant, love every living thing, LOVE IT ALL. While it can feel good to sit in sorrow and wonder when your lover will appear and magically fix all your problems. That is all just an illusion. Someone else can't fix your problems and if you don't love yourself you will never truly know how to love another person (at least not in a healthy way). Sounds cliche yet it is so true. The most sacred relationship has to be the one you have with yourself. Therefore spoil yourself this valentines day. 2023 is the year of nurturing your relationship with yourself. That is who we are all stuck with at the end of the day. I know this sentiment is easier said than done but I have compiled a list of things you can do this valentines day to make yourself feel loved by the only person who matters; YOURSELF!

I hope you all have an amazing valentines day. I love you ( even if no one else does) ( I am kidding) ( someone out there loves you) ( don't quote me on that)

Okay all - remember I know some things but mostly nothing....

Byeeeeee -

Syd ><

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