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Blog post entry #4 "Rose colored glasses, Rejection and Drake lyrics"

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

This was written a month or two so enjoy this draft that I reworked....

As drake would say "You could have my heart or we could share it like the last slice". I wish this line wasn't as relatable as it is. damn it drake. To preface, I have a bad habitat of giving my heart to people who probably don't deserve it in the first place. I am cursed with Rose colored glasses. I wish I was able to see a little clearer sometimes. I definitely am in love with the peoples potential of who i think they could be rather than who they actually are.I am in the process of removing these glasses and facing reality which has been tough but it is for the best. Timing is really everything in this life. Everything needs to be perfectly aligned for things to truly work out at least in my opinion. Timing hasn't been on my side lately, particularly in relationships. I have been listening to drake a lot recently especially with my Roomate Madison. Drake really makes musics for the girls and he really just fucking gets itttt. Lol . If anyone knows any clubs having a drake night in New York please message me.... What comes with rose colored glasses is often rejection. Rejection is hard as fuck to deal with. My least favorite human experience. Especially with that whole putting a person on a pedestal type of deal. Which none of y'all should ever do. No one is perfect and is probably equally fucked up as you are.Remember that. Don't stoop yourself lower to put someone higher. If you feel like I am lecturing you on this topic I am sorry, but this is really more of a note to self anyway. But if it helps you ,then great. So back to the topic of rejection, one way I have been dealing with it is by learning to be my own Bestfriend and to give myself the love I would want from someone else. Also by simply accepting the rejection. Being in denial and acting like it didn't happen isn't very helpful. Just my words of advice. To be your own Bestfriend you need to truly know yourself. Know what makes you tick, what makes you sad, how to cheer yourself up etc; Maybe try listening to drake and do some self reflection? Idk. I am partially kidding but if you really want to learn how to be your own Bestfriend start by doing things with yourself. Take yourself out to lunch, read a book in the park , meditate. Get comfortable with being alone. Then the rejection won't sting as bad and you will be way more comfortable with the idea of being by yourself. Atleast I think so. I have also been getting some really sweet messages about the blog lately. Thank you to everyone who has been reading and sharing your thoughts about it with me. It can be pretty vulnerable to share your inner thoughts and daily life on the internet but the response I have been getting is making it very fulfilling and I am really enjoying writing these entries. I feel like carrie bradshaw. Except I am not writing strictly about sex. Stay tuned for my next entry..... I am kidding.

or am I .

Okay I luv you guys and I hope my words gave you some insight on rejection, rose colored glasses and drake. Byeee

- XOXO sydneeyyy

List of my top 10 favorite drake songs (in no particular order)

  1. Summer games -

  2. Take care (Rihanna)-

  3. With you (ft PARTYNEXTDOOR) -

  4. Doing it wrong -

  5. Preach (ft PARTYNEXTDOOR) -

  6. Jaded -

  7. Sandra's Rose -

  8. Look what you've done -

  9. Feel no ways

  10. Best I ever had

* Most REAL drake Lyrics OF ALL time

- "There's more than life than sleeping in and getting high with you, I had to let go of us of myself what I could do

“We live in a generation of not being in love / And not being together / But we sure make it feel like we’re together / Because we’re scared to see each other with somebody else”

"My uncle tryna control my energy with stones and crystals , But it's got' take more than that for me to control my issues"

> I am guessing these are Drakes 4 muses. Hah

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