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Blog post Entry #5 "Build me a house"

(old blog entry) Hello everyone. Today we are talking about a movie I recently watched with my friend Lizzie (She is from the Bay Area). I love my bitches from the Bay Area. Shoutout Liz I miss you. cOME Back to meeee.. Moving along ,Liz made me watch the notebook based on the circumstances I was in at the time and it was probably a good idea. Let's just say i was going through something. I might still be going through that something but that's irrelevant. I am nortourisously a bad movie watcher and bad at giving new tv shows and movies a chance. I am a big rewatcher. I like the comfort of knowing what happens which relates to my daily life too. I like having control and I can get extremlely uncomfortable with uncertanity. I am working on it but nonetheless we sat down to watch the movie with A joint in hand and some white wine to share. We watched the movie and I was enamored by the love Noah had for Allie. It seemed unconditional. Almost too good to be true. I mean it is a movie. But This man built her a fucking house. If he wanted to he would. OK. After reflecting a little, this movie it made me realize what's the point of chasing after someone. New's flash there is about 0 point. it is point-less. Something I have been guilty of participating in my present and past . Why would I do that when someone could just build me a house? Love is a weird thing and everyone has their own definition. One thing about it though is that it should be easy. It isn't supposed to be hard or stress inducing espeicially at the beginning. I am slowly but surely learning that. The point of this entry is don't chase after people who aren't chasing after you. Be like Allie and except nothing less than a house. Okay maybe not a house but you get ma drift. -

Luv you

Xoxo SYD

> If anyone is considering building me a house here is some Inspiration for you. ;)

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