Hi everyone welcomeee!! ;0
I asked for some questions to answer on my blog so here is what I got
Q: Who inspires you fashion wise?
A: For sure Betsey Johnson I love all her designs and the way she thinks about fashion !!!!! She makes it so playful and for sure love carrie bradshaw.
Q: How to stay present staying present?
A: The main way to stay present in my opinion is by truly staying present. The only thing that TRULY exists out side of your mind is this moment. The current state you are in Right now. The past and future all no longer exist. Use your 5 senses. Feel where you are, Smell where you are, See where you are, Hear where you are, Taste where you are (if you can) But don't start going around tasting random things LOL anyways ...focusing on your breath also can help when you feel yourself going out of the present moment and back into your mind. Those are some of my tips.. Hope that made sense lol.
Q: How to set boundaries with your friends and take care of yourself?
A: This is hard for me as I am a constant yes person and terrible at saying no but lately I have been making more of an effort to put myself first and say yes when it works for me and saying no when it doesn't. It seems simple but it can be very hard to do especially when it is your natural nature to put others first. We are always going to have just ourselves so we might as well take care of ourselves. At the end of the day that is who we are all stuck with anyway. It's just me myself and I. As it is for you.Hope this helps XOxo
Q: Advice to your younger self
A: Love yourself, Stay focused on you and stay positive. It will all be okay. Love you- Adult Syd
side note when did I become a adult I feel like im still 12
Q:Favorite thing someone could do for you;
A: Hmm. I am a pretty simple gal. I love the little things. I think its less about what they can do for me and more how they make can me feel. If they can make me happy and loved I am satisfied. My favorite things that people DO is when they see things that remind them of me and then send it to me or give it to me. I love to be thought of. BUT.... flowers would be nice to0-
Q:Dream job growing up?
A: When I was younger I had about 600 dream jobs. I wanted to be a clown, (Yea I know), a makeup artist, a model, a actress, a singer, a ballerina, a cook, a stylist etc; For the most part it was always something in the spotlight or the creative field. Not much has changed. But I do like the spotlight significantly less now. as child I had the most confidence in the world which I think is beautiful and I am proud of little me for that. I loved to perform. I do think As we get older most people lose that confidence due to the harshness of the world but that's a whole another topic.
Q: Favorite Zodiac sign?
A: I don't pick favorites as astrology is so multilayered buttttt the one's that are most often present in my life are my fellow cancers, Tauruses, and Libras. I am a cancer sun, taurus moon, virgo rising for reference. If that tells you anything about me.
Q:If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? A: This is a very loaded question as the world has an immense sum of problems I wish I could change. The one I have been thinking about lately is the homelessness problem in our world, SO many people are being displaced out of their homes, or have never had access to one in the first place. There is also major food crisis going on. It has never made sense to me how in our world we are so divided and only fend for ourselves that we hardly think about others and their own suffering. If you can/ live near any soup kitchens or homeless shelter and have the means to go volunteer or donate!!! Also if you live in New York here's a list of places to volunteer or donate too. https://www.brightest.io/collection/soup-kitchen-volunteer-nyc
If you are also able and have a couple extra bucks and you see someone in need give it to them!!!! or buy them something to whatever level of generosity you are feeling that day
Q: Dream Dinner Guests (dead or alive)
A: Lol Probably my mom (dead) but on a lighter note probably the Dala Lama (specifically the 14th)
Q: How to find the confidence to wear and be who you want?
A: I know this answer sounds simple but the easiest way to find the confidence is by going for it and being your most authentic self. Wear what you like and be who you are. Keep going until it feels comfortable. Do it for yourself no one else. Also love yourself. Like actually love yourself. There is no reason not to.
Q: What are you most afraid of?
A: Hmmm. Probably a little bit of everything. Internally I am a fearful person so it is hard for me to think about that one thing scares me the most. Life is a scary thing but fears are inevitable and the more present I am day to day the less afraid I become.
Q: Why do you feel inclined to create?
A: To express myself . to make something that is tangible.
Q: Favorite artist:
A: Mazzy star/ Hope Sandoval and the warm inventions.
Q: If you had to leave this universe and enter a new one which one would you choose?
A: Gilmore girls. It is so cozy and comforting in that world. Plus it is like always fall. I fucking love fall .
OKay so that is all the of questions i feel I can answer for the night. I am gonna try to do these biweekly but we shall see. Hope you enjoyed and take my advice with a grain of salt. I know somethings but mostly nothing. KK luv u byeeeeeeeeee - Syd