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Q/A #2 10/7/2022

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Hi, hey , helloooo! How is you?!

I am back with a q and a for this week. Here I am Answering your burning questions..

Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?

A: No, and I will probably never start one. I am not a big YouTube watcher and it doesn't excite me. My attention span is too short.

Q: What inspires you the most?

A: I think I get inspired by love and emotions in general. I also get inspired by my daily life. I am fortunate enough to live in New York where there is constant art being created. I am also surrounded with like-minded people who inspire me every day. So to sum it up I am inspired by my environment. It is vague but true.

Q: How to help a friend grieving a loss of a parent?

A: This is a loaded question because every one is different. Going through the loss of my mom at a pretty young age I didn't know how I wanted to be comforted. Now growing older and knowing myself a little better when I am looking for support from friends, I am really looking for someone to listen and just be there for me. That is all you can do. Just be there for them and let it be known you are there. They may not want to utilize your support at the time but letting someone know you are around can help greatly. Hope this helps and I send your friend alot of love.

Q: Thoughts on dating apps?

A: Honestly I have many thoughts on it and I can't really make up my mind on where I stand. I think if you are actively seeking a relationship or a hookup it can be great and many people I know have met their partners through a dating app. It just really depends on what you're looking for and how badly you want a relationship. I was on hinge for like 5 minutes over the summer and it just felt weird to me. I think I am just a hopeless romantic who wants to have a meet cute where I drop something and someone picks it up for me and we immediately fall in love right then and there. Something natural.I am not actively searching for anything right now but maybe if I were I would be back on hinge swiping away. To each their own... <3

Q: What are your thoughts on the present world?

A: Oh jeez. I have horrible thoughts about our present world. There is so many fucked up things to list that happen on the daily and it brings me so much sadness. it hurts my brain if I think about it too much. I will be here all day if I started writing about all our worlds problems and I have some other questions to get to. But to sum it up the world is shit and has been for awhile. I really hope our generation can have some impact to lead us in a more positive progressive direction.

Q: How to deal with loneliness?

A: I talk about loneliness on this blog a lot as it feels like it has been a very present theme in my life lately with all the change I am enduring. Although One way to deal with it is by embracing it. Embrace the loneliness. Spend time with yourself and do things YOU enjoy doing. Take time to get to know yourself and know loneliness is temporary. As humans we are meant to be in packs and you will find your pack. Time heals all. Give it time.

Q: Trends in fashion you want to see this fall?

A: This may be controversial but I want to see ZERO trends. Please make it stop. Let's make getting a personal style trendy again. Pleaseeeee. We have so many micro trends that get lost in the blur of the million other trends slowly becoming more trendy than the last one. Buy what you like not because it is trendy. We treat clothes so disposable now a days. One day something is in one day something is out. Personal style will never be out.

Q: If you could live anywhere else besides New York where would it be? A: Hmmm. My plan is when I get older and I am done being famous and successfu, I am going to move to the middle of nowhere (Maybe in Vermont?) and have a cottage and a farm with lots of animals. Where I drink a shit ton of tea everyday, smoke weed, make art and be off the grid. I also want to be a therapist when I am done with all my creative endeavors. So if I had to live anywhere else it would be somewhere in the mountains. Not sure exactly where though. Somewhere with fresh air. Ahhahah

Q: Where do you wanna be in 5 years?

A: Hopefully still in New York, Graduated college and working for myself. Maybe another cat or a bunny. Surrounded by people I love and doing what I love. Maybe starting a new brand and continuing photography/creative direction. I wanna do a little bit of everything. I also hope I love myself a lot more 5 years from now. I deserve it. :)

Q: Favorite movies or Tv shows??!

A: This isn't very hard for me to answer since I am a serial rewatcher. My favorite tv shows have to be Gilmore girls, New girl and just for fun I will throw in a little housewives of Beverly Hills in there. My favorite movies also have to be Dazed and confused, 10 things I hate about you ,and Harry met sally, (which I just watched for the first time the other day) I have some thoughts about that movie. I will share later.

Q: Opinions on self doubt or self sabtatoge?

A: Something I think we are all guilty of whether we are aware that we are doing it or not. I think one way to get through self sabotoge is by being aware of what you are sabotaging and why you are doing it. Usually when we self sabotage it is because we are trying to protect ourselves from hurt or anxiety of the unknown. My biggest advice is don't let that side of yourself win. Easier said than done I know. But be gentle with yourself and know that you are probably better off doing this thing or making the best of it than by trying to ruin it. Self-doubt is pretty inevitable as well. Something we all also do. The way I try to deal with my self doubt is by knowing that these doubts are just my scared little brain and it isn't reality. Ground yourself in the now. You are so special and amazing and I think our brains make us forget that sometimes due to it's fears.

Q: How to love yourself even when you don't feel your best?

A: I am in no means an expert on any of this as I am still learning myself. But just know that this is what you are stuck with. You are in this body for the rest of your life. Love it while you can. You have every right to love yourself. Obviously no one wakes up feeling their best every single day but if you know that this feeling is temporary and will pass , as all emotions and feelings do. You will be okay. Also if your feeling particularly worse one day do some extra self care that day to make you feel a tad better about yourself. One thing that always helps me is a nice shower and some positive affirmations. I hope this helps and I want to write a more in-depth post about loving yourself soon. So stay tuned for that.

Okay that is all of the knowledge I feel I can share for

today. Take what I say with a grain of salt.

Remember I know some things but mostly nothing.

Till next time ......

- love you

syd nee

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