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Q&A #3 11/16/2022

Welcome back... It is Q&A timeee..

Thanks everyone 4 asking questions!

Letz jump right in shall we?

Q: What is your definition of love?

A: Oof this is a tough one but I don't believe there is one definition of love but there are things you can do to show love. Love is loyalty. I believe love is an action rather than a feeling and ultimately a choice you make everyday. That is the key difference between love and lust in my opinion.

Q: How to get through a stagnant feeling in life?

A: I think the best way to get through a stagnant feeling is to know all feelings are temporary and that this too shall pass. Also, by taking action; Make a to do list or a list of something (s) that you want to do in the next year. I do this and writing my goals down help me work towards them and turn them into a reality. Identify what you want. I am sorry you are going through this tough time and know that you are not alone. Everyone feels like this at some point and time heals all ya ya.

Q: Do you live alone or have roommates?

A: I live with my awesome lovely roommate Madison and my son/cat child Miko.

Q: Biggest Fears right now?

A: Oh gosh where do I even start. As someone who is anxious/has ocd I have fears about everything; the little voice in my head is pretty afraid. I try to tell myself that fears are made up and they only exist if we let them. I also am trying to not solve everything all the time, not everything needs an answer. If some of you don't know already I have an issue with uncertainty- my therapist and I are working on it...I fear uncertainty.

Q: How to stop feeling embarrassed to start pursuing selling your art?

A: My biggest tip is to just go for it and completely immerse yourself in. Don't be afraid to market yourself and think very little about others perception of you/what you are doing in the process. Not enough people put themselves out there and that is half the battle. Once it is out there just keep going and creating!! Be consistent with your craft. Know your art work is valuable as well. Don't undersell yourself.

Q: How to make a space your own?

A: Love this question. I definitely take pride in my apartment and it is very reflective of who I am and what I like. I think the first step is identifying what makes you happy and what your personal style is. Also trinkets are an amazing way to make a space your own. I get mine from antiques shops back home or eBay has a bunch. I love knick knacks so much. I am a trinket ass bitch. Make your space reflect you and your interests. Also add a couple candles and some warm lighting - A touch of coziness never hurts.

Q: Do you think it's weird to not have any close friends

A: Hmmm. I am not sure how to answer this one. I don't think its "weird" to not have any close friends but I think it does say a bit about your character. Having close relationships are very important in the human experience. Whether platonic or romantic, relationships are extremely important for us to grow and learn about ourselves. Be inviting and open your heart to new people to make new relationships. Let people in, The reward is greater than the risk.

Q: You seem like you have so many friends; both online and irl, how do you go about making friends? whether it's thru insta or irl? in a new city/ school it's so hard.

A: Hi! I am sorry you are going through a hard time and making new relationships is hard. Side note - while I do have many amazing people in my life ( I am very lucky ) social media is ultimately fake: its a curated version of my life and you only see what I want you to see. So take it all with a grain of salt. It is not a complete accurate representation <3 just a lil reminder. Okay back to the main topic at hand. I have met many different friends through school/mutual friends in a lot of different ways but my biggest tip is put yourself out there!! It is easier said than done I know. With Risk comes reward (as I said earlier). A couple more tips include posting on instagram and start dming people who go to your school/mutual friends, talk to someone first at school and/or compliment a stranger. The list goes on but I feel you catch my drift. If you want to have relationships with others most of the time you have to make the first move, while it is scary chances are the other person is just too shy to say something themselves. they will be so glad you broke the ice.BREAK THE FUCKING ICEEE> you got this and good luck

Q: What is your ideal fantasy world?

A: A world where no prejudice against anyone exists, We are all one and surrounded by baby animals. Currency is just hugs and everyone is painting and creating for one another. That's my silly little fantasy world.

Q: I went on a coffee date today and he just texted me and said he had fun but doesn't think it is gonna work out. I am so confused I thought it went well and now I am spiraling and can't help but wonder why he doesn't like me.

A: Hi! I am so sorry that happened and I hope you know some guy's opnion of you whether good or bad really doesn't matter. He is just some guy. Remember that. Also why would you want someone who doesn't want you? You don't!! It is a Waste of time. Rejection is a hard thing no matter what but take it as a saving grace. He was honest and didn't waste your time. Also there are a million reasons to think of why he isn't interested and it could have nothing to do with you. You never really know. Don't assume. Move on and let live. Sending love and be gentle with yourself. The right person is just around the corner.

Q: How to get out of an anxiety episode/how to deal with anxiety?

A: I could write a whole essay on anxiety and how debilitating it makes my life sometimes. My arch nemesis. I , myself am still trying to learn how to deal with anxiety but stuff that often happens to help me are things like; taking probiotics twice a day ( I know sounds strange but your gut can affect your mood and your anxiety levels ) so take your probiotics. Meditation and mindfulness practices have helped me stay present and relaxed. I recommend mediatating atleast twice a day for 10 minutes if possible. Journaling also works wonders and simply talking to someone can release stress and angst as well. I hope this helps and I am planning on writing a full entry on anxiety and mental health very soon so stay tuned for that.

Links to some mediations I like

Okay I love you all!!!

Remember I know some things but mostly nothing : So take what I say with a grain of salt



also sorry if punctuation errors occur. spelling is not my forteeeee

Also take comfort in the fact that it could be worse ;)

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