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Blog post entry #10 A wisdom-less halloween

Where to begin? It has been quite a long week for me. Started off with planning my backyard Halloween bash, then my family came for a quick visit in the middle of the week, & I ended up getting my wisdom teeth out which put a slight dent into my Halloween plans. My week was filled with a lot of epiphanies and realizations, not huge ones, but ones that needed to be had. I made it out of the mud y'all. I am out!! Very vague I know, but just know that I am out. In one way or another. That's all the information I am offering! Got to keep some things private ok? Anyways, my grandma came from Boston to visit and my parents ended up staying at a hotel in the lower east side for a couple of days... I truly am so blessed to have my family and I forgot how nice it is to be around your own blood (lol). Distance makes the heart grow fonder as they say. My twin brother ended up sleeping on my couch one of the nights which felt very surreal to me for some reason. We were in MY own apartment on MY couch with MY cat... It's no longer a dream I had. It became reality and it felt even more surreal having my brother there with me. We are old. Or maybe old isn't the right word to be using but I am no longer a 12-year-old girl dreaming of getting an apartment and moving to New York. Also, I have a twin brother by the way. Not many know but now you do. His name is Noah. Some think we look alike some don't. It's all subjective.. Moving on, my wisdom teeth began to hurt during the week which was a pain I didn't want to keep experiencing so I got an emergency dentist appointment for that Friday. Slightly inconvenient that I had to get my wisdom teeth out two days before my backyard bash!!! I went back home early Friday to see the dentist and they told me they could either take out 2, 4, or none at all. I choose the option of 2 and I did it on the side that was bothering me so at least that worked out.But now that I think about it I still have 2 more teeth to go. Fuck I am gonna have to do this all over again?! Arggh. I figured if I was going to be swollen for this Halloween party at least It will be on my bad side haha. My Halloween costume was either gonna end up being the Eleanor from the chippetes or Angela from American Beauty. Both great costumes choices that were solely dependent on how swollen my face gets. I don't remember much after getting my wisdom teeth out but I do know a couple of friends of mine got some loopy photos sent to them, they can use to haunt me with forever. The recovery process hasn't been too bad thus fur but I am not fully healed. So take what I say with a grain of salt. I will update you all with the final verdict. I know this is all veryyyyy captivating stuff. Onto Sunday the 30th which was the fateful day of my backyard RAGER (ahaha) and I was filled with excitement and a sprinkle of angst. It was mostly my friends attending which is comforting but I think hosting anything can be quite stress-inducing. I also haven't had the best time hosting parties in the past so I had some inner turmoil around it all but nonetheless, I persisted with optimism and tried to not put too much pressure on the night. I can find myself being overly critical at times. I am slowly learning that not everything needs to be overanalyzed. Sometimes things just need to be left at nothing more than "I had a great time". Simple as that. I DID actaully end up having a great time and it was super nice to bring everyone all together. My face was a tad swollen but we pushed through and I ended up being able to be Angela afterall. Not to mention I also got the perfect amount of fucked up. Not too drunk, not too high, but just right. I am like the Goldilocks of substances. Halloween was more lowkey for me this year compared to most but I am perfectly satisfied with the outcome. I find myself anticipating the month of October as a whole rather than Halloween itself. Besides I practically celebrate Halloween every other day of the month anyway. But now we are onto the next. What will November bring I wonder? We shall wait and see. Hopefully a lot of sweet moments. I am banking on that so November you better not disappoint you hear me!! I am starting to feel more settled and comfortable in my new life 4REAL this time. Good things await us all. I can feel it. Much love and I hope everyone can give October a big kiss goodbye and welcome in November with love. Okie that's all for now. Talk to you next week --

Lurv you --


- Here are some Photos of my lovely friends & I from that night ...

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