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Blog Post entry #18 "Always Remember you are absolutely unique"

Writer's picture: sydSydnesydnexoxosydSydnesydnexoxo

Just like everyone else …

Shoutout to Margaret Mead for this amazing quote. Obviously, this was said by a woman. Who else is capable of sharing such a wise quote. This is something that crosses my mind daily. Living in New York and attending an art school, everyone is constantly striving to be perceived as different & "unlike the others". Who knows the most underground art films or who knows the most about an obscure fashion designer from the 90s. The need to feed your ego and constantly strive to be unlike the masses can ultimately give you a superiority complex. Unfortunately, these people tend to run in packs. I understand the appeal of wanting to be looked at as special. It can give you an ego boost for your fragile sense of self. Closing yourself off to people who you perceive differently than you or maybe not as “unique" means you are ultimately losing. Everyone has something to bring to the table if you look hard enough. We are who we are based on the experiences we have, the people we meet, and the choices we make. No one is the same. It is ok that no one is like you and it is ok that you are like no one. The constant need to be seen as different in my opinion is just a way to hide insecurity - the fear of actually being just like everyone else. One thing that I think is beautiful in this life is that we are like in one way or another. When engaging with others you can find at least one thing that you have in common if you look hard enough. We are all more alike than we know & we are all so much more different than we know... Be kind and open to others even if they don't fit your standards of perceived "coolness". You never know who you might meet by just giving someone a chance. In our society, we have such an individualistic complex and never want to be seen as similar to another, when in fact that is one of the most amazing things this life has to offer. Similarities form connections and connection is what makes life worth living.

Embrace your uniqueness, find common ground & remember you are special but NOT THAT special.

I hope you enjoyed. I will be back with more blogs throughout the spring and summer once school calms down. I love U. Be Sweet to yourself...

- Sydni

p.s. remember I know some things but mostly nothing, so take what I say with a grain of salt

all love

also this song makes me happy take a listen


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